16 June 2021
Selling or renovating your home

Over the last few months, many of you have probably spent more time at home than your usual lifestyle would have it. And in some cases, a lot more time. If your house has morphed into an office or classroom, chances are your needs may also have shifted. Space and comfort somehow feel different, and the renovation projects you imagined for the future, might suddenly be top of mind. Then again, perhaps you just want a little change. There’s certainly nothing wrong with that!

Are you thinking of selling your home? What if renovating was a better option ? 


Selling your home

You've probably heard: the current market is highly active right now! Loads of families want to leave Montreal and settle on its North Shore. If selling your property could be an easy-breezy golden opportunity, finding the next one might be quite the challenge. In Terrebonne, Mascouche and surrounding municipalities, the selection of homes for sale is extremely limited, meaning transactions are swift and prices well above normal market rates. It’s a sellers world right now, so that’s something to think about.

Building a new home

Building a new house is exciting! The idea of creating something from the ground up, exactly to your liking, is always thrilling.  Over the years, we’ve helped families build their dream homes in Terrebonne and Mascouche. And as contractors on Montreal’s North Shore, it’s been wonderful to see our teams complete hundreds of new homes. If you think building a new home might be for you, please reach out. Whether you have a lot, or an idea, we’ll happily develop your project with you!


Renovating your home

In today's reality, renovating your home may be the best option! Whether you want to build or refurbish your garage, update your bathroom or kitchen, we can help make your home more functional, while increasing its value! Want to know what the most profitable renovations are? Read this article and find out. 

If you’re interested in seeing if this is YOUR best option or you just want to explore possibilities, let us know. We’ll put out renovation skills and experience to great use and guide you every step of the way. 

Call us for a quote
Discover our achievements : https://fmasella.com/en/achievements/